Slow Saturday
We had a nice, slow day today. Claudia up at 7 with Jessie's first cry, Ben and Jessie fully up by 8, Jordan amazingly sleeping in til 9. Apple pancakes for breakfast. A stroll through Philomont stopping at every house that has kids to invite them on the walk but no one was home. Wiener Schnitzel with rice and applesauce for lunch (yum!). Jessie napping (on and off) from 1-4. Claudia giving a horse lesson at 4, and loading up the barn with the first load of hay for the winter. Jordan off to a friend's house for dinner and a movie while Claudia and I unexpectedly had a quiet evening to ourselves with Jessie sleeping again. We listened to Mantovani's orchestra and each read our books side by side on the couch. 9:20 now and Jordan just got home so we're all heading to bed. Good night!

Jessie, as she looks right now
Thank you for taking us all through your leisurely Saturday with you. I'm sure just reading about it and "watching" Jessie napping lowered my blood pressure 10 degrees! Mom
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