Monday, May 31, 2010

Where we like to hang out on a hot Memorial Day

We celebrated Memorial Day, the unofficial first day of summer, by going for a hike in the morning and hanging out in the shade at home in the afternoon. If you can't read the thermometer on the last picture, it says 97 F outside, in the shade! The picnic table and water play station are new additions Claudia picked up for next to nothing at a garage sale last weekend, and I'm sure will get lots of use this summer.
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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Corn on the Jessie

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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Miscellaneous family photos from last weekend

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Sunday, May 16, 2010

Happy birthday, Jordan!

Jordan, we're so glad you turned nine years old today! What a fun nine years it has been for us as a family. We love to see each new year that God has blessed you with, and celebrate with you as you turn one year older. And what a great bunch of friends were able to make it out to celebrate with us! May your tenth year be full of many new adventures and just as many old friends.

(Above) Jordan got many new gifts -- this is his reaction as he opened a lego set from Oma, Opa, Mom and Dad...

(Below) Jessie of course had so many aunts to take care of her that we almost forgot about her. We had to go look through our photos to remember if she was even there.

(Below) We made up our own version of Muggle Quidditch. Two Chasers attempted to get a ball to their opponent's end of the field, hampered by Beaters throwing water balloons/bludgers at them, while a Seeker looked desperately in the grass for the Silver Snitch (coins previously hidden in the lawn). Every five minutes a whistle would be blown and everyone changed roles until each had had an opportunity at each position.

Instructing a crowd of young kids in the fine sport of Muggle Quidditch
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Monday, May 10, 2010

Wind storm damage

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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tree ID

We need help identifying our trees! Anyone out there who can tell what these are by their leaves? They're supposedly all flowering trees, which should help narrow the options down a bit. We need to transplant them this year, but we've misplaced the paper that came with them describing how they'll look when full grown!

The heart shaped leaves we think are from a Redbud, but the rest we don't currently have any ideas. The last one looks the cutest and is the only one with flowers this spring, which might help identify it.

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Thursday, May 6, 2010

Successful launch!

Three minutes from PA-1 launch

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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rogue Satellite

See this Space News article about a perplexing problem we're experiencing with an on-orbit satellite, which could even affect YOUR television coverage, and the sometimes bizarre impacts of problems in space.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Memorable Monday Moments

1. Playing golf at the Maryland National Golf Course in the Orbital Spring Golf Tournament; bringing home no prizes but good memories and a sunburn
2. Coming home to a beautiful wife and two adorable kids
3. Homemade spaghetti on the dinner table and Jessie's clothes
4. Running errands around the neighborhood in the evening, which includes stops at each house for grownups to chat and kids to run and play, thanking God for so many wonderful friends
5. Jordan falling asleep on the way home, holding Jessie's hand
6. Jessie eating apples while Claudia and I wonder at her cuteness
(long run-on disclaimer deleted 5-4-2010)