Saturday, February 7, 2009

The recession's effect

I've been asked a number of times by the predominantly non-American readership of this blog whether we've been affected by the recession occurring here in the U.S. as well as around the globe. So I decided to take a few minutes today to think about what effect this time has had in my life.

Most of the recession's effect on us has actually been positive. The dramatically lower cost of housing enabled us to purchase a home we love in the location we had hoped for. Praying "thank you, Lord, for a roof over our heads" has been much more heart-felt these days, when neighbors are having to move out due to foreclosure. I have a solid job in a growing company that appears well placed to weather an economic downturn. I've been able to hire great talent at a time when my company is growing, because I have the luxury of being able to pick out the best of the best from a long list of resumes. The simple blessing of being able to offer someone else a job is something I now value more deeply. I see many resumes from people currently without a job, and I know they're wondering how soon they can find a new one in this economy. I wish I could hire them all! Likewise I've found a new appreciation for being able to support missionaries and neighbors financially in a time when many missionary and charity supporters are needing to cut back, or where the value of the U.S. dollar isn't going as far in their countries of residence.

We've also felt some of the negative effects. High fuel prices, difficulty getting approved for credit, an inability to sell our home (so far!). But even in these clouds I've found many silver linings. Great carpool buddies, more empathy for people going through hard times and unable to get credit, patience and trust in God to work all things for good.

So while I hope for the sake of all who are needy that we get through this recession quickly, I'm thankful for my own sake that we've traveled through it, that I could learn some small lessons because of it. Lessons in humility, in caring for our neighbors, and in appreciating the little things we have.


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